Monterrey International Airport

Nuevo León, Mexico

We have designed and deployed over 4.5 million square meters of Helix® Micro Rebar™ reinforced concrete with 100% customer satisfaction.

— Juan Aguilera VillarrealTecnor
224%Shear Strength
10%Modulus of Rupture
20 Days SavedSpeed of Construction
88 TonsCarbon Footprint




Original Design

#3 Rebar @ 14" OCEW

Helix Dosage

10 lbs/yd3

Monterrey International Airport, (Aeropuerto Internacional de Monterrey) is an international airport located in Apodaca, Nuevo León, Mexico. Together with Del Norte International Airport, the airport handles domestic and international operations for the city of Monterrey and its metropolitan area. It’s also one of the fastest growing airports in Mexico: in 2015, the airport handled 8,461,917 passengers, a 18.7% increase from 2014 that received 7,128,531 passengers.

Tecnor selected Helix Steel as the concrete reinforcement technology for the Terminal Foundations and the Slab on Grade. Both applications replaced the original reinforcement design with a 10 lb/yd3 dosage of Helix Steel.