Download “The Engineering Insiders’ Guide to Helix Micro Rebar” to learn more about Helix Micro Rebar’s value for engineers and their clients.
“Our experience with Helix® Micro Rebar® reinforcement sets us apart from our competition. It has helped to grow my business more than I could have possibly imagined.”
When you work with Helix Steel our entire team – including sales and in-house engineers – provides live support during your project as needed.
Helix® Micro Rebar® concrete reinforcement has higher loading/racking capacity, up to 30% increased flexural strength, 300% increase in fatigue resistance and is designed to avoid cracking.
The first to market with approval for structural applications, Helix Steel has experience with the IAPMO report and no structural failures. Helix also meets ACI, the IBC and IRC code through its two evaluation service reports from ICC-ES and IAPMO-ES.
Helix® Micro Rebar® concrete reinforcement is the only reinforcement approved to replace rebar in concrete with a simple design method. This advantage increases concrete strength, is code approved and has been demonstrating success for decades. Its benefits start working before the concrete even cracks, providing your clients with long-lasting value.
Our in-house professional engineers work with you before and after project completion, and offer full transparency in design approach and calculations. Once you are familiar with using our superior concrete reinforcement product you may even notice an improved reputation – and more clients – by choosing our superior, proactive concrete reinforcement technology.
Download “The Engineering Insiders’ Guide to Helix Micro Rebar” to learn more about Helix Micro Rebar’s value for engineers and their clients.
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Have any questions about our product? Feel free to reach out to our team any time.