Kestrel Mine

Queensland, Australia

Helix Steel creates a safer work environment, increases productivity, reduces our costs, produces a stronger slab and removes any issues with steel placement.

— Kestrel Coal, Project Co-ordinatorRio Tinto



Helix Australia

Original Dosage

Mesh & Rebar

Helix Dosage

9 lb/yd3

Kestrel Mine, located 40 km north-east of Emerald in central Queensland is an underground operation, supplying world markets with around six million tonnes of coking and thermal coal per annum. The mine was named in honor of the small falcon bird that can regularly be seen flying over the area. It is one of the most advanced and sophisticated underground coking coal operations ever built in Australia.

“Helix® concrete reinforcement has worked with excellent results for our slabs and after the first pour, all our staff soon appreciated its advantages over mesh and now prefer to use Helix® concrete reinforcement for every pour. From a business perspective we have reduced man-hours, decreased time between pours on multi pour projects, totally eliminated manual handling and trip hazards associated with traditional reinforcing. Just the shear convenience of having it already in the concrete is logistically easy. We now use Helix® concrete reinforcement for all our underground concrete applications, Drive Heads, Sumps and Road Works etc.”