
Highlandville, Missouri

We chose Helix Steel because it uniquely adds three dimensional structural reinforcement to our concrete. No other product could provide the same level of safety and disaster resistance.

— Steven HuffHuff Construction

The Helix Difference

247%Shear Strength
23%Modulus of Rupture

Pensmore is a 75,000 sq. ft. (6,970 m2) manor. The structure is designed to withstand a direct hit from an EF5 tornado. The construction of this building is a practical application example of new building technologies for safer, more efficient, greener buildings. The hope is to build homes, hospitals and schools among other structures with these better technologies.

The exterior cladding has been design to leverage a stainless steel version of Helix® Micro Rebar™ reinforcement. This is to ensure that there will be no rust, even over the next several hundred years.

8 Reasons Why Design Professionals Are Specifying Helix Micro Rebar - Helix Steel - Featured Image

8 Reasons Why Design Professionals Are Specifying Helix Micro Rebar

Helix Micro Rebar is quickly being embraced by North America's leading architects and engineers who understand that this tiny rebar replacement provides superior value at a fraction of the cost.

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