FedEx Distribution Facility

Rogers, Minnesota

Concrete placement with Helix Steel went smoothly and enabled an excellent finish.

— Kinghorn Construction

The Helix Difference

163%Shear Strength
4%Modulus of Rupture
44%Bending Moment
12 Days SavedSpeed of Construction



Kinghorn Construction

Original Design

Interior SOG 6” w/#3 Bars @ 18“ OCEW
Exterior SOG 8” w/#4 Bars @ 18“ OCEW”

Helix Dosage

Interior & Exterior slabs; 9 lb/yd3

FedEx is one of the world’s largest tracking & shipping companies. They have a number of distribution centers all over the United States. This 460,000 sq. ft., distribution center facility is located in Rogers, MN.

Helix® Micro Rebar™ reinforcement was used to replace the initial rebar reinforcement design. At a dosage rate of 9 lb/yd3 of concrete, both the interior and exterior slabs realized increased strength while helping to reduce Carbon Footprint and the overall Construction timeline.

8 Reasons Why Design Professionals Are Specifying Helix Micro Rebar - Helix Steel - Featured Image

8 Reasons Why Design Professionals Are Specifying Helix Micro Rebar

Helix Micro Rebar is quickly being embraced by North America's leading architects and engineers who understand that this tiny rebar replacement provides superior value at a fraction of the cost.

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