Barberton Bus Maintenance Facility

Barberton, Ohio

We were able to utilize Helix for all of the foundations, slab on grade, slab on metal deck, as well as the 50,000 square feet of exterior pavement. By utilizing Helix instead of mesh in the pavement, we were able to pour the entire 1500 cubic yard pavement in 4 days.

— Scott Smith President, MPW Construction Services

The Helix Advantage

9%Modulus of Rupture
10days savedConstruction Days



MPW Construction Services

Original Design

4" Slab with 6"x6" W2.9 mesh
4" Slab on Metal Deck with 6"x6" W2.9 mesh
8" Exterior Pavement with 6"x6" W2.9 mesh
18"-24" Pad Footings with 2 layers of #5 rebar @ 9-12"
38" Perimeter Footing with 2 layers of #5 rebar @ 6"

Helix Dosage

4" Slab on Grade - 8 lbs/cy of Helix 5-25
4" Slab on Metal Deck - 6.7 lbs/cy of Helix 5-25
8" Exterior Pavement - 6 lbs/cy of Helix 5-25
Pad Footings - 11.5 lbs/cy of Helix 5-25
Perimeter Footing - 18 lbs/cy of Helix 5-25

By utilizing Helix 5-25 in almost every application of the Barberton Bus Maintenance Facility, the timeline was significantly reduced and the on-site process of reinforcing various applications was simplified. Not only was the timeline reduced, but Helix helped to provide a significant increase in strength while also reducing labor costs.