Villa Joyuda

Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico

“We used Helix® Micro Rebar™ reinforcement for this project’s Slab on Ground and it saved the contractor two complete working days of labor time at the project site. Helix is a real time saver and makes the ICF construction very efficient”

Luis Ramos, PE, MEM - Director of Engineering, Caribbean ICF Solutions



Silva Construction Co.


Caribbean ICF Solutions

Original Design

6" Slab on Grade - #4 @ 16" O.C.

Helix Dosage

6" Slab on Grade - 13.5lb/yd3 of Helix Micro Rebar

Villa Joyuda is a 2,500 sqft. ocean-front ICF vacation villa in Cabo Rojo, a town in the western part of Puerto Rico. The owner wanted to build this house as soon as possible. Caribbean ICF Solutions worked with his selected contractor — Silva Construction Co. — in the early planning stages and helped him by providing a daily installation schedule to keep the project on track. The initial estimated installation time for installing all the Quad-Lock ICF walls, ceilings and roof was 45 working days. Caribbean ICF Solutions had their engineer onsite during the complete ICF installation and the result was that the contractor was able to finish all of the ICF installation in 45 days. Using Helix® in the Slab on Ground significantly helped the contractor get a good head start at the beginning of the construction.

Silva Construction was very impressed with the construction speed with Helix® Micro Rebar™ reinforcement and remarked that if he had built the same structure using regular rebar, concrete, and CMU it would have taken at least 4 to 5 months.

Helix® helped this owner and contractor achieve their goals!

8 Reasons Why Design Professionals Are Specifying Helix Micro Rebar - Helix Steel - Featured Image

8 Reasons Why Design Professionals Are Specifying Helix Micro Rebar

Helix Micro Rebar is quickly being embraced by North America's leading architects and engineers who understand that this tiny rebar replacement provides superior value at a fraction of the cost.

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