How to Stay Competitive in Construction Bids

Before you submit a bid proposal, you need to spend considerable time making your submission as thorough as possible, with details that will help you win the work.

Suppliers and subcontractors like your own need to balance cost efficiency, quality, speed, innovation, environmental consciousness, and much more. Even a small adjustment on one line item can make or break the entire submission.

Having worked with thousands of North America’s leading developers, engineers, and contractors over an endless list of projects, Helix Steel has developed a comprehensive list of ways to make your submission stand out from your competitors.

Here are some recommendations:

1. Understand the Project Requirements

The most important thing is to carefully review all of the documentation to ensure that you’re not missing important details for the project. Understanding the project requirements is crucial to ensuring that you put together the best submission possible.

If you have questions about the project, don’t be afraid to ask! A project built on ambiguities can make a simple task into a never-ending nightmare.

2. Include Accurate Cost Control Measures

Although pencil and paper still have their place in the world, using estimating software helps to ensure accuracy in costs and timing related to materials, labor and equipment.

Use data from past projects and rely on data given to you by your suppliers. A time-saving addition like Helix Micro Rebar can help reduce shipping costs and labor requirements and condense your construction timeline, reducing costs on your bottom line. 

Although Helix Micro Rebar is often ready to ship in just a matter of days, many other project supplies may not be. For that reason, it’s still important to make a contingency plan and cover potential cost overruns in other areas of the project.

3. Competitive Pricing Strategies

The most challenging part of any construction bid submission, whether it is a construction tender, bid, RFP, RFQ or pre-qualification documentation, you need to break down your costs to show the value that the developer is getting, while also ensuring you make money on the project. 

For this reason, every estimator should consider alternative materials or methods to reduce costs without compromising quality. In the case of concrete projects, Helix Micro Rebar can not only reduce costs and shrink your timeline, but it can also help give your concrete more strength than if you were to use only rebar. 

4. Include Relationships with Like-Minded Subcontractors

You have likely worked in this industry for a long time. Highlight your past and current relationships with suppliers, other subcontractors, developers and engineers who appreciate your business and work with you to make projects exceptional experiences.

5. Emphasize Project Efficiency

In today’s construction industry, which is focused on working smarter than ever before, it’s important to incorporate lean construction practices to reduce waste and help the project last longer. 

You can also include how modern technology like Building Information Modeling (BIM) and project management apps can be used by your team. However, as these technologies become more common, it’s becoming more important to focus on truly unique technologies that make your submission stand out.

6. Focus on Safety

The most important part of any job site is safety, so including how you plan to make job sites safer with safety protocols to minimize accidents and ensure a safe working environment will only help your case.

Focusing on safety also makes business sense. It will reduce lost-time incidents, reduce insurance costs and help to promote productivity.

7. Stand Out With Innovative Practices & Products

Alternatives to Rebar Concrete Reinforcement - Helix Steel - Featured Image

Take a look around you. Your competitors are doing things that were not possible just a few years ago. That means you too need to stay on top of innovation in the construction industry and dig deep into new practices and products that are tried, tested and true. 

Helix Steel’s innovative concrete reinforcements have been around, and have been used in some amazing structures. Not only do some of the world’s biggest brands trust Helix Micro Rebar, but it helps to make buildings stronger and more durable while reducing our dependent on steel. 

Stay updated with the latest construction technologies by joining webinars, subscribing to e-newsletters (at the bottom of our home page), visiting our LinkedIn page and talking with like-minded professionals.

Trust Helix Steel to Help You Stand Out With Your Construction Bid

Whether you’re responding to construction tenders, bids, RFPs, RFQs or pre-qualification documentation, trust Helix Micro Rebar and the team at Helix Steel to improve your chances of getting the work that helps to grow your business and build smarter than ever before.

Reach out to our project team members to help you understand much more about the Helix Micro Rebar difference.